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Terrorists -vs- Government

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Confused? Having difficulty telling the good guys from the bad guys? Use this handy guide to differences between terrorists and the US government...

TERRORISTS: Supposed leader is the spoiled son of a powerful politician, from extremely wealthy oil family.
US GOVERNMENT: Supposed leader is the spoiled son of a powerful politician, from extremely wealthy oil family.

TERRORISTS: Leader has declared a holy war ("Jihad") against his enemies; believes any nation not with him is against him; believes god is on his side, and that any means are justified.
US GOVERNMENT: Leader has declared a holy war ("Crusade") against his enemies; believes any nation not with him is against him; believes god is on his side, and that any means are justified.

TERRORISTS: Supported by extreme fundamentalist religious leaders who preach hatred, intolerance, subjugation of women, and persecution of non-believers.
US GOVERNMENT: Supported by extreme fundamentalist religious leaders who preach hatred, intolerance, subjugation of women, and persecution of non-believers.

TERRORISTS: Leadership was not elected by a majority of the people in a free and fair democratic election.
US GOVERNMENT: Leadership was not elected by a majority of the people in a free and fair democratic election.

TERRORISTS: Kills thousands of innocent civilians, some of them children, in cold blooded bombings.
US GOVERNMENT: Kills thousands of innocent civilians, some of them children, in cold blooded bombings.

TERRORISTS: Operates through clandestine organization (al Qaeda) with agents in many countries; uses bombing, assassination, other terrorist tactics.
US GOVERNMENT: Operates through clandestine organization (CIA) with agents in many countries; uses bombing, assassination, other terrorist tactics.

TERRORISTS: Using war as pretext to clamp down on dissents and undermine civil liberties.
US GOVERNMENT: Using war as pretext to clamp down on dissents and undermine civil liberties.

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